Graduates of Pope John Paul II State School Of Higher Education in Biala Podlaska at labor market - notions and reality

Monika Łęska, Anna Jakubowicz


For years ongoing discussion whether education should be more academic or professional, whether and to what extent higher education is designed to meet the labor market and social needs, how to bring universities closer to the labor market and thus, to potential employers, and finally how to influence schools (and candidates) to educate in the fields and professions with high demand in the labor market. Currently observed problems are evidence of the lack of a holistic view of the labor market and education. The aim of the study was to confront last years students' notions of the labor market and its requirements with the reality found by graduates. The implementation of the study was divided into 3 stages. The first phase was completed in 2010 on a sample of 325 last years students, the second in 2012, resulting in collecting 240 declaration of consent and participation and the third in 2013, which ended with collecting 90 surveys form graduates. There is the social belief that the ability to find a satisfactory place at unsustainable labor market varies for different social categories. The situation is different for men and women, for urban and rural areas, for low and narrowly skilled workers. The consequence of such thinking was (and to some extent still is) the belief that having a higher education is an important asset in searching for a (better) job and in extreme perception is a guarantee of its acquisition. As a result of such belief is clearly perceptible lack of employment of university graduates or lack of satisfaction due to getting a job incompatible with the interests and qualifications. In this situation taking the perspective of students/graduates under consideration and collating of their professional and educational aspirations with regional labor market needs and responsiveness are important components.


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Monika Łęska

Pope John II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska

Anna Jakubowicz

Pope John II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 16-23.

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How to cite

A. Jakubowicz, M. Łęska, Absolwenci Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej na rynku pracy – wyobrażenia i rzeczywistość, "e-mentor" 2015, nr 2(59), s. 16-23,