SA report from the 11th Seminar „Scientific research”: Writing scientific articles - how to write and publish effectively

Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak, Krzysztof Sawicki


The work of contemporary academics has become measurable, and its effects are expressed in the number of citations and points for academic papers. 'Publish or die' is the sine qua non for survival in the current academic reality. Scientific publications in international journals from the so-called 'Philadelphia List', well known in the relevant subjects, give the greatest benefits. Therefore, it is necessary for researchers to improve their skills concerning the writing and publishing of articles in international journals.

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The article is in the printed version on pages 24-25.

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How to cite

M. Kowalczuk-Walędziak, K. Sawicki, Sprawozdanie z XI Seminarium z cyklu „Badania naukowe”: Pisanie artykułów naukowych – jak efektywnie pisać i skutecznie publikować?, „e-mentor”” 2014, nr 4 (56), s. 24-25,