Advantages and disadvantages of doctoral studies - the perspective of PhD students of a university of economics

Patrycja Klimas


The article presents results of the research on doctoral studies conducted in one of the Polish universities of economics. The conducted research was based on simple SWOT methodology including identification of the most significant internal aspects with division into strengths and opportunities. Both, the evaluation of the doctoral studies and the conclusions which were drawn were based on the subjective opinions collected from PhD students. The conducted research sheds some light on the most important areas which should be improved by the considered university as the environment of higher education is changing dynamically. In general, the development of the doctoral studies, as well as the future strategy ought to be focused on improvement of the doctoral studies' program. Definitely it have to be more flexible, more adjusted to the PhD students' needs and should include a wider range of research and teaching areas.


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University of Economics in Katowice

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 12-17.

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How to cite

P. Klimas, Pozytywne i negatywne aspekty studiów doktoranckich - perspektywa doktorantów uczelni ekonomicznej, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 2 (54), s. 12-17,